Leaked katarinaishii Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Leaked katarinaishii Nude Leaks Onlyfans – Found these fire nudes I took a couple years back. Weirdly e.. – Found these fire nudes I took a couple years back. Weirdly enough, I never actually sent these to anyone. I think I was just bored or something. 🌟 On Mass Shootings and those who commit them (Part 1) I just turned 21, when 20 year old Adam Lanza stormed Sandy Hook murdering 27 people, including 20 first graders in 2012. The Aurora theatre shooting only a couple months past, was still fresh in my mind which caused me to not feel emotionally shocked by the events that occurred that day. I almost rolled my eyes at the thought that another suicidal individual decided they wanted to go out with a bang at the expense of precious lives. Murder-Suicide in this extreme form has a logic of its own. Although this logic may be twisted and ineffable to the average person, it’s logic nonetheless. The rationale behind mass murder begins with the desire to preserve some kind of legacy in history which is a defining characteristic of human nature. Similar to our evolution through natural selection where at a basic fundamental level, we as individual humans want to preserve our life and by that token, also our genetics. This instinct leads us to the desire to protect our immediate family unit, then our community, our state, our country, and so forth. Man’s desire for immortality in the form of historical preservation was an important human adaption in the process of our evolution. It was most likely the impetus to the creation of art and writing. To put it simply: we want to be remembered, we want our ideas to flourish through the ephemerality of time, it’s natural to not want to leave the earth without having first made our special imprint upon it. Regrettably, positive legacies are difficult to come by; it’s much easier to aim for notoriety where all that is needed is a rifle and homicidal intent. It’s absurdly easy actually, to the point where mass shootings have increased enormously since the unfortunate legacy Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold bequeathed upon the world when they entered Columbine, armed and ready in 1999. As much as brutally slaughtering as many of their classmates as possible was their prime objective, so was the end goal, suicide. In my opinion, their suicidal thoughts were most-likely the driving force that impelled them to mass-homicide. From their perspective it’s a win-win scenario where they can both commit suicide but have some fun before doing it! It’s difficult to imagine a person’s murderous urges being so unmanageable to the point where they truly can’t help themselves but to kill large amounts of people. For majority of cases, the reasons behind the action can usually be reduced to: suicidal intent and desire for notoriety (of course I am not saying this is true of all cases nor am I inferring there are no other motivating factors outside of these underlying reasons. I am simply stating what I believe to be the most plausible explanation for why individuals decide to commit a mass shooting. We may never know for certain why they do what they do, but we can make some reasonable conjectures as to why if we consider our present knowledge of what we believe is a component of human nature (establishing a legacy of some sort) and the ease by which this can be achieved from a suicidal standpoint (or even from the perspective of a person who isn’t particularly suicidal but is okay with their fate of serving a life sentence in prison and achieving the goal of infamy or the mass circulation of their ideology such as Brenton Tarrant’s toxic anti-Muslim rhetoric.) The purposes of committing mass murder is different than say, murdering an individual because there is no act of concealment by the shooter, part of its premeditation is in the expectation that they will be inevitably caught but that is just accepted as part of the bargain they made with the devil. From here there are only two paths remaining for the shooter: suicide (which can arguably gain him more of a “legacy” because he ended his life on his own terms and leaves the world with a cloud of mystery. Of course the downside of this is they won’t be able to relish in what they perceive as the glorious aftermath of their shooting. I’m sure If Adam was still alive, he would be satisfied by him claiming a top spot in the ranking of being one of the worst mass shootings) or accept the ultimate fate of life long incarceration (on the bright side, they amass fangirls on tumblr and can reap the psychological fruits of their destruction — self-congratulation of a job well done I say!). Nikolas Cruz brought a mask with him during the shooting but decided fuck it, there’s no point in concealing his identity because he will either commit suicide after or get caught anyways. A factor that was not mentioned but is equally important is the impact of anger on the murderous mind. After all, the instinct inherent in the emotion of anger is physical retaliation. However, for my purposes, I will subsume anger as a contributing factor under the moral principles the shooter upheld such as Elliot Roger and Seung-Hui Cho’s resentment and sense of entitlement. Note that Dylan Klebold was wearing a shirt that read, “wrath”. I don’t attribute anger as being a crucial motivator in itself because most of these shootings are highly premeditated, intricately planned out in advance and not the result of a passionate outburst. Of course, we can acknowledge the shooters are in general angry people and this anger they experience is a contributing element to their murderous incentive. I am simply minimizing the significance anger plays as being the dominant incentive that impels the shooter to go through with their plans. Much of the American population has both anger issues and possesses firearms. Although the perpetrator and common population of angry people share this in common, they don’t commit mass shootings. Why? There must be a distinct set of characteristics that differentiates the two.
in katarinaishii, Leaked, Leaks, Nude, Onlyfans